Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Restoran Sin Yit Sing (新日昇餐馆) - Marmite Crab

On the journey back from Singapore on last Sunday, we dropped by Seremban to have dinner at a restaurant that I long time didn't visit -- Restoran Sin Yit Sing (新日昇餐馆). No. 103, Taman A.S.T., Jalan Labu Lama, 70000 Seremban. 5pm-12am, Tel: 016-3619595.
Featured in 阿贤人情味 before 
My first visit to this shop should be 3 years back. This time come back reminded me how delicious is their "Marmite Crab", so fresh.
Yummy, yummy! RM50++

So "kilat" leh.
Instead of rice, we ordered "Fish head noodles". The soup very sweet (清甜), but I remember last time taste more pepper, which I like it.
Only remember to take photo when my soup was finished. RM15.
Talking about vege, we ordered "Belacan paku-pakis", which seldom can eat in west Malaysia. Nicer to eat than "kangkung". I called it "curly vege", hehe...
Next time have to try the BBQ crab at another restaurant at Seremban.

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