Sunday, December 19, 2010

Year End Reward

Today I had a good window shopping at Mid Valley.
Everywhere is having 'YES', but my purse cant celebrate together.
I always like MNG cloths, and now it's having SALES.
I tried few cloths, but still decided not to buy it, although he said it's looking good on me.
Long time I didn't do any shopping lor...My controlling skill is reaching a high level, hahaha...

Nowadays many people selling things at facebook, price also quite cheap.
I never buy anything from facebook before, I think today will be my first time, don't know will be my last or not, haha...just worry the real product is not as good as the photo.
So I just ordered 1 cloth and 1 pants, nice?? I think it looks nice because of the model. haha...

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