Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Although I'm not born in a very rich family, but I think I'm quite "hou miang" (lucky).
I have my first car on my 17+, before I get my license (I failed 2 times, paisei). It was a Wira with latest gold colour.
Proton Wira
When I studied in Australia, the Wira has transfered to the Company. My dad gave me a Kelisa to drive when I back for 3 months summer holiday. Because we just moved into a new area, having a car to drive is very important to me.
Perodua Kelisa
This Kelisa also transfered to my mom when I back to Australia again. When I finished my study and start working, I got my first foreign car, Honda City. I always hope to drive Honda in one day.
My Honda City last day with me
I like this City very much, comfortable interior, fuel efficiency, I drove for 5 years+. This year, dad asked me to choose a new car as a last "car present" from him. And I chose this...
Peugeot Turbo 308
I noticed this car on the road just few days before my dad give me the offer. So when dad asked me, this car firstly come into my mind. After filtering few options, i.e. Mazda 3, Ford Fiesta, Latio, etc., I still can't get my eyes on this car. Although I worry on its maintenance, spare parts, and fuel consumption. So it became my first continental car. I enjoy it wide "moon roof".

I seem very "sai meng" here. But I just want to say I'm very lucky to have the things I like at every moment.
Thanks dad, Happy Father's Day!

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